Tale of Pythagoras exploration, step by step

For three days, Raphaël and Olivier decided to hike around a small group of moutains, north-west of SkydKap, and to climb up the 1376m high local highest peak : The Pythagoras. The two last days of the adventure, a tale by Raphaël.

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Catalinadal lake and its mysteries

We can barely see it from the base camp, but it lies there, all sparckly. We all know we need to hike further in the valley to reach it, and that Catalinadal lake is worth it. But our legs are tired. The long portage of yesterday, through moraines and glaciers was exhausting, and the cold night didn't help.

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Portage and Fun

INTERVIEW – To moove from one camp to another, the team experience the pleasant concept of portage. Imagine : going through dozen of kilometer of icy ground, moraines full of collapsing rocks, and jumping over bottomless cracks ...

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From one side to another

Here we go again for another full day of portage- 16 km with bags weighting about 20 kg (for girls !). The goal : camp 3, near the difluence of Edward Bailey Glacier.

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In the heart of an Ice Cave

Tale – Ice axes, crampons, harness and helmet on. We are ready to explore on of the two ice cave that happened to be only few meters away camp 2.

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Première rencontre avec Edward Bailey

TALE – We went deeper in the valley, through rills and moraines, leaving behind us Apusinikajik and its mysterious fossil glacier. It is unfortunate all of our questions didn't find their answers, but we are looking forward. Looking forward to this new horizon and new perspectives of discoveries.

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Discovery: a fossil glacier under the sand !

INTERVIEW - Geophysicists Éric Larose and Agnes Helmstetter of the Institute of Science and earth in Grenoble performed two measurement campaigns georadar Wednesday and Thursday in Greenland. A first at the confluence of glaciers Apusinikajik and Edward Bailey Renland, located in the eastern part of the island. And a second measurement on the Apusinikajik glacier.

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Y a-t-il un glacier fossilisé sous nos pieds ?

RECIT – Voilà trois jours que nous avons quitté la toundra vallonnée du Jameson Land pour rejoindre les décors grandioses du fjord Skillebugt, dans la péninsule du Renland. Sous nos pieds, les moraines et ses roches usées, la glace brunie qui craque, et ses crevasses, vertigineuses.

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Le Carnet d’Evrard #3

Aujourd’hui, notre programme est le même qu’hier, monter le plus de choses possibles, le plus haut possible. Si possible d’ailleurs, jusqu’au pied du glacier Edward Bailey où nous voulons poser notre camp de base.

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Le Carnet d’Evrard #2

Je t’écris ce matin du 20 juillet parce que j’ai pris mon quart pour faire la vigie entre 5 et 7 heures, pour surveiller la venue éventuelle d’un ours sur le camp. Il fait jour comme toujours et pas trop froid, mais je suis tout de même emmitouflé dans ma doudoune à écouter le bruit du torrent en contrebas, des quelques oiseaux du coin, des blocs de pierres qui dévalent les versants alentours et des ronflements de quelques-uns de mes compagnons d’aventure.

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