Technical set back for Ingkasi

Expedition last days - Ingkasi, our inuit driver went back to Ittoqqortoormiit to fix his engine and is not coming back. We are stuck on the remote Sydkap. Our camp, a hutt between the fjords, has never been so much cosy. But without boat, we can only wander around, and our days here are numbered ...

Everyday, Ingkasi is calling us, to give us updates about his engine condition. Reception is really bad here, and we barely understand half of what is is trying to tell us. Regarding sending data through e-mail, we also have no signal, yet the place is clear of any obstacle ! Weirdly enough, we had a better reception at Edward Bailey camp 3, between the huge walls in the middle of Renland.

Our communication plan is running out of data, we have to keep a connexion with the rest of the world Thanks toE-Sat, our satellite communication sponsor, we are able to do quick refills. Without their efficient work, we would have soon be without any connexion with Ittoqqortoormiit.

Evrard calling Ingkasi with a Satellite phone. Evrard calling Ingkasi with a Satellite phone.
A big thanks to E-Sat for their support to Mission Scoresby and Naturevolution.

Day 1 - Machanic is not here. Day 2 - Mechanic is back, and is working on the engine. Day " - Ingkasi get back his boat, and sail to come back to us. After a two hour drive, while passing by Jamesone land, his engine dies once and for all.. Nothing to be done, it's broken for good.

Ingkasi is alone with his speed boat in the middle of the fjord, waiting to be rescue. He anchored his boat not to drift, call his friend in Itto via satelite phone. It will take two days for them to rescue him. Two long days for ingkasi to wait in his small speed boat, tossed between the waves. The wind is getting stronger. We are at the end of august, and it's not good to be trapped in the fjord.

The gear motor of Ingkasi after the failure. How long will his boat he stay out of use? Engine gear after the break. When will he be able to sail again ?

Finaly, two boats stop by, and tow him to Itto. One of the engine gear broke and Ingkasi's boat is locked for good. He doesn't know when he will be able to get the necessary parts to repair his boat. Before going to sleep to recover from his little adventure, Ingkasi asks Jørgen, math, sport and greenlandic teacher at Itto's school to come and get us back. It will take only 3 hours for Jørgen and his son to get to us, with his boat more powerfull than ingkasi's.

At the request of Ingkasi, Jørgen, professor at the School of Ittoqqortoormiit, Sydkap come to get us. Jørgen teacher in Ittoqqortoormiit, will come to get us back.

We choose to establish our last camp in Sydkap for two main reasons. The first one being the proximity with Nordvestfjord, where narwals have been spotted. The second one rely on the fact that the weather can be unpredictable at the end of the summer. We had to be not to far to Ittoqqortoormiit, so that we could be back in time, even in the weather happened to be bad.

And we were lucky to take that into account.We were able to bring back the team in only two days (instead of 5 or 6 initially planned), taking advantage of good weather windows after stormy days.

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