Underground rafting

Camp life is organized. As a stepfamily, seniors' guide, "added values" Add "and small groups are organized to discover this wonderful valley in which we are nestled.

De bon matin, Olivier, Phil et Evrard décident de retraverser en raft le km souterrain et d’aller explorer les rapides suivants pour savoir si selon l’expression dorénavant consacrée « ça passe »…
2 rafts sont affrétés, Evrard en solo, Olivier et Phil en binôme. Hormis l’inquiétante sensation de pagayer dans le noir le plus complet sans savoir où se diriger la difficulté de ce premier tronçon réside dans le premier rapide que nous apercevons de la rive. Evrard s’élance, 2 coups de pagaie plus loin, » ça passe ! » Olive enchaine, Phil camera au poing. Trop ou pas assez de coups de pagaies selon les avis mais le résultat est sans appel » ça passe pas tant que ça… » le raft et ses 2 occupants se retournent et disparaissent happés par le courant qui s’engouffre dans la grotte.
The identification of the day ... reassures us that first washing machine does not last! Indeed, a few minutes later, they emerged all smiles from the other side.
The rest goes quietly and have a chance to see some monkeys and many hydrosaures an incredible endemic reptile the size of a monitor lizard.

In return, they explore the caves are located at the confluence of Lindu and the supposed Matarombeo and discover gours, calcite galleries, white as snow, white balls perfectly round and smooth, traces Babis (wild pig ) ... and a jar ceramic obviously not young.

Meanwhile, Aurelie, like every day, opens its shipping book and is working to his daily task. On the menu, butterflies and giant entrance to the jaw, then congratulations to the whole team because the result is impressive.

Cédric and Yanick, machete in hand began construction of a platform on one of the majestic strangler ficus this forest. 6 hours later and 25 meters higher, Anne Sophie has a bird watching station dreamed for the night.

Jean Michel Tanguy, always on the track of mammals, have a little more trouble this time to ask their camera traps. The valley where we are seems a little too boxed for a crossing of animals. Moreover, the back and forth of each other in this small space probably interferes too much for the environment that we have a chance to observe large mammals.

As for Aurelian, he looks all day and finally found a beautiful epiphytic plant (which grows on another plant) but more than 10 meters high. Not until tomorrow to see her up close.

9:30 p.m. after yet another vegetable rice, stories of the day and preparation for the next, the camp sleeps.

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