Le Carnet d’Evrard #2

Je t’écris ce matin du 20 juillet parce que j’ai pris mon quart pour faire la vigie entre 5 et 7 heures, pour surveiller la venue éventuelle d’un ours sur le camp. Il fait jour comme toujours et pas trop froid, mais je suis tout de même emmitouflé dans ma doudoune à écouter le bruit du torrent en contrebas, des quelques oiseaux du coin, des blocs de pierres qui dévalent les versants alentours et des ronflements de quelques-uns de mes compagnons d’aventure.

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Le Carnet d’Evrard #1

Nous nous réveillons sous un soleil radieux au-dessus du village d’Ittoqqortoormitt. La vue plongeante sur le fjord avec quelques icebergs isolés est spectaculaire. Ittoqqortoormiit, situé au-delà de 71° degrés de latitude, est le village le plus septentrional de la côte est du Groenland. Au-dessus, rien que des fjords sauvages et quasi inaccessibles jusqu’à l’extrémité nord de l’île constituant le plus grand parc national du monde.

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L'équipe du Jameson Land en route vers les glaciers

STORY - This Monday, our team of Jameson Land changes sides geophysicists to join Agnes Helmstetter and Eric Larose, based in Renland. They set up camp between two glaciers, Apusinikajik and Edward Bailey, after the small fjord Skillebugt. change of scenery so for the small team that passes rounded valleys tundra to a mountain environment, with huge walls and glaciers.
They will stay there for ten days. Evrard announces the upcoming days of the program.

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Portage excursion in Jameson Land

Evrard arrived this Saturday, July 23 in the Ranunkendal Valley in northern Jameson Land, about fifty kilometers from the base camps expects the rest of the team. He set up his camp around midnight after a long day. the listening is:

TIME OF BIVOUAC - Mission Scoresby

AUDIO - Evrard presents live Greenland's Scoresby Mission in the famous show "time for a bivouac" (webcast on Tuesday, July 19 / France Inter).

Evrard takes the road to the north of Jameson Land

It's early morning Evrard began preparing his business quietly. On his back, a bag of over 25 kilos for a journey of a hundred kilometers back. A return will be much lighter without it too heavy bag.

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Why study the glaciers of Greenland?

AUDIO - A team of scientists went to study the giant Edward Bailey glacier, which drains most of the cap of Renland. And there are many things to say. Eric Larose, a geophysicist at the ISTerreExplains what interest have these glaciers.

Start of the first team

Mission Scoresby swapped the Donna Wood against Inuit shuttle bus in the Scoresby Sund. In the next days program porting!

The colors of Ittoqqottormitt

STORY - We yards for a few minutes. They scrutinizing us from the banks of pebbles, we stopped from the boat at anchor. Our first encounter with the Inuit community took place in the Bay Ittoqqortormitt, a few meters away, frustrated by a long night.

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North Sailing, a tall ship full of stories

Mission Scoresby is sailing onboard the Donna Wood from the Icelandic port of Husavik to the Scoresby Sund. The 100-year old tall ship, which has had another life as a Danish lighthouse ship, is operated by a seasonal crew. We meet with them to understand why they chose this life (in French).

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